Saturday 20 July 2013

Tips for Applying Eyeliner

Eyeliner is one of the most important cosmetics and can give you a dramatic look without much time or effort. Knowing how to properly apply eyeliner will always allow you to create a modern look. Having found some hints that really work, I wanted to share them with those of you who are having the same difficulty. So here are some handy tips for applying eyeliner.

The Best Tips for Applying Eyeliner

    Choose an eyeliner that is appropriate for your eye color. Browns, gilded bronzes, and plums are great for lighter eyes, and darker eyes can pull off a more dramatic black backdrop.

    Any type of hard line on the face needs to be done perfectly or not at all. If you have rounder eyes, opt for powder and gel liners that will smudge enough to create an almond-shaped contour. Fine pencils and pens are ideal for more elongated or oval-shaped eyes.

    There are so many different eyeliners that you may need to experiment to find which one works for you. Not only are there different types, but you may get on better with one brand than you do with another. Will liquid liner work better than pencil? Try out both to see which you find easier.

    Pencil eyeliners will give your eyes soft definition, while liquid versions offer precision and drama. There is a wide variety of powder liners available, and you can also moisten dark eyeshadow and apply it with a small, flat brush to double as liner.

    Do you use liquid eyeliner? Is there any makeup mishap that’s more annoying than smudging your eyeliner just when you think you’ve drawn the perfect line? When using liquid liner, don’t open your eye until the liner has had time to dry, or you may smudge it.

Avoid sharing your eyeliner with others as this can transmit bacteria and infection from person to person. If you must share, swipe the tip with a bit of makeup remover or rubbing alcohol and rinse the liquid off. Also, replace eye makeup every 30-60 days to reduce the risk of infection.


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